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The fifth MBA graduating class closes a cycle

25 students completed the programme taught jointly by Comillas, Iberdrola and Strathclyde

A group of graduates celebrating in front of a university building, waving their hands with joy.

28 June 2024

On 24 June, 25 students from the Master in Business Administration (MBA), a programme taught jointly by Comillas Pontifical University, Iberdrola and the University of Strathclyde, held their graduation ceremony.

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A celebration in every sense of the word, in which the students were not only recognised for completing such a complex programme, but also for their personal skills and abilities. Surrounded by their families and friends, they were able to put the best finishing touch to their effort and dedication.

This year's MBA graduating class had a very international student body. Students from Spain, Brazil, the United States and Mexico shared knowledge and experiences, learning from each other. Making the most of the quality, excellence and content of the programme. Undoubtedly, this master's degree, organised by the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (Comillas ICADE), opens the door to a successful professional career in the field of management and business management through the practical teaching of the fundamental contents for a sustainable business management.

The future is yours, congratulations to all of you, and rise to your next challenge!

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