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Migration Review in Q1

Revista Migraciones has secured its place in SJR's Q1, consolidating its position as the leading journal in migration studies in the Spanish-speaking world.


17 April 2024

Once again, Revista Migraciones has secured its place in SJR's Q1, consolidating its position as the leading journal in migration studies in the Spanish-speaking world. This achievement confirms the importance of the work, perseverance and dedication of the editorial team, as well as the invaluable support of the research community and readers.

Migraciones is an interdisciplinary academic journal published by the Instituto Universitario de Estudios sobre Migraciones (IUEM) of the Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Its aim is to publish in open access, both in Spanish and English, quality research that delves into the field of study of human mobility, prioritising those that address critical and topical issues by applying the most advanced methodologies. It is published twice a year, twice a year (December and June). Issue 0 was published in December 1996.

Migrations is indexed in Scopus , Latindex, InDICEs CSIC, Emerging Sources Citation Index and others. In addition, the commitment to academic excellence and the quality of the journal's content is reflected in the SJR index, which has been raised to 0.4.

On the other hand, its website has been revamped. It now has new sections. Among the new features is the new "Metrics" section, where key data on its performance and reach can be found. All the content of the Magazine is openly available free of charge.

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