Transition to adulthood, the central theme of the 10th Conference on Family and Disability
The Family and Disability Chair dedicated its annual conference to inclusive transitions in increasingly complex environments.
24 September 2024
The Family and Disability Chair: Fundación Repsol-Down Madrid held its Conference on Family and Disability which, in its tenth edition, was dedicated to tackling inclusive transitions. Before an audience of more than one hundred people and under the title "Inclusive transitions: people with intellectual disabilities facing the challenges of the 21st century", experts from different fields met to address the challenges faced by people with disabilities in increasingly changing and complex environments.
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The director of the chair and of the University Institute of the Family, Ana Berástegui, inaugurated the conference, celebrating the success of the attendance. "We live in a world in transition. Changes create both uncertainties and opportunities for all people, including people with disabilities. On this day we come together to reflect and discuss the challenges and how we can contribute to making change an opportunity and not an accelerator of exclusion," she announced. Berástegui was accompanied by the Director of Social Transformation of Fundación Repsol, Mar de Andrés, and by the President of the Board of Trustees of Fundación Down Madrid, Ignacio Egea.
During her speech, Mar de Andrés said that the conference "represents an opportunity to share and anticipate the great challenges in which we are immersed in order to provide a better response". Ignacio Egea also encouraged families to adapt to changes and to experience them as "opportunities". "From the chair, a calm and scientific analysis can be made to create a fairer and more inclusive society," he said.
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