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Launch of the European CERV Project in Rome

The launch of the European project CERV (Citizenship, Equality, Rights and Values) was held in Rome.

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11 April 2024

The launch of the European project CERV (Citizenship, Equality, Rights and Values), an initiative that seeks to analyse gaps in the implementation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in national contexts, was held in Rome.

The CERV project aims to identify and address shortcomings in the implementation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, promoting its use and raising awareness in EU member countries. Led by Comillas Pontifical University and the University Institute for Migration Studies (IUEM), the research team, headed by Adam Dubin and Cecilia Estrada, will conduct a crucial work package that includes a comparative analysis of the use of the Charter in different national contexts.

The Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini was honoured to host the launch of this important project, demonstrating its commitment to the promotion of fundamental rights in Europe. This event marked the beginning of a promising collaboration between various European institutions dedicated to the defence of human rights and equality.

The launch of the CESR project in Rome underlines the importance of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights as a vital instrument to ensure the protection of human rights in all Member States. Through a comparative and collaborative approach, this project aims to strengthen knowledge and application of the Charter, fostering greater social cohesion and awareness across Europe.

Don't miss the opportunity to learn more about this exciting project and its impact on the protection of fundamental rights in the EU!

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