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Students of the DEMOS programme will be able to do internships at COAM

Comillas and the Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid have signed a collaboration agreement to promote the training and employment of students

Convenio Comillas 01.jpeg

20 March 2025

Comillas Pontifical University and the Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid (COAM) have signed a collaboration agreement to regulate the carrying out of training internships by students of the DEMOS programme  at the COAM. The objective of these internships will be to apply and complete the knowledge acquired in the academic training offered by Comillas, thus favouring their insertion into the labour market.

All students enrolled in the DEMOS Programme, in either of its two itineraries: educational or technological (called EDUCADEMOS and TECNODEMOS, respectively), will be eligible for this programme.

The signing of the agreement at the headquarters of COAM, at Calle Hortaleza, 63, was attended, on behalf of Comillas, by the Vice-Rector for Identity and Mission, and Students and Alumni, Jaime Tatay SJ; the Director of the University Institute for the Family and of the Repsol Foundation Family and Disability Chair, Ana Berástegui, and the Coordinator of the Repsol Foundation Family and Disability Chair, Mª Dolores González. The Dean of the Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid, Sigfrido Herráez, and the Treasurer, Pilar Pérez de la Cuadra, attended on behalf of COAM.

The DEMOS programme at Comillas offers university training for people with intellectual disabilities through two itineraries: EDUCADEMOS and TECNODEMOS. Students in both pathways study for two academic years in an inclusive environment, with classes shared with undergraduate students and with internships in companies, which facilitates access to the labour market, with 70% of former students working.

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