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The Spiritual Exercises as an inspirational source of Ignatian pedagogy

The Dean of the Faculty of Theology, Francisco Ramírez, SJ, PhD, publishes this open research article in the journal 'Ignaziana'

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The full article is available in open access

4 March 2024

Francisco Ramírez, SJ, PhD, Dean of the Faculty of Theology, has published his article entitled "The Spiritual Exercises as a source of inspiration for Ignatian pedagogy" in the journal 'Ignaziana' (n. 36, p. 5-51), which investigates the tradition of the Society of Jesus.

In the article, Prof. Ramírez, PhD, delves into Ignatian pedagogy, its actuality and historical journey, understanding the purpose of the Spiritual Exercises and their relationship with Ignatian education. Subsequently, it looks in depth at the protagonists of learning, teacher and disciple, the relationship established between them and the pedagogical means that emerge. Finally, the article offers an Ignatian perspective on artificial intelligence and its connection with pedagogy.

Professor Francisco Ramírez Fueyo, SJ is PhD in Theology, a member of the Department of Sacred Scripture and Church History, and an expert in Sacred Scripture. He is also the Dean of the Faculties of Theology and Canon Law at Comillas.

The full article is available in open web format and in PDF for download.

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