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The best End of Degree Projects in Law 2023-2024 receive their recognition

The prize-winners stand out for their quality and impact in the various areas of law, presenting innovative proposals

Un grupo de personas posando en una ceremonia formal frente a un fondo rojo con un emblema dorado.

3 March 2025

The Faculty of Law (Comillas ICADE) has awarded the students with the best End of Degree Projects for the 2023-2024 academic year in different categories. The award winners have highlighted academic excellence, innovation and rigour in the legal field.

The Baker & McKenzie Award for Rigour and Innovation went to Eva Tarrasa for her analysis on cross-border litigation against AI companies, while Nerea PĂ©rez won second place with a study on the new tax regime for impatriates.

In the Chair in Children's Rights Award, Andrea Blanch was awarded for her work on crimes against sexual freedom committed by minors, and Alicia Mateo won second place with her analysis on civil liability in cases of cyberbullying and bullying.

The Global Practice Law Cuatrecasas Award went to Alberto Alarcón for his study on foreign investment and its impact on M&A and private equity transactions, while second prize went to Nerea Pérez for her analysis of tax residency.

In the field of business law, the Garrigues Award for Excellence went to Eva Tarrasa in first place and Carmen Ramos in second place.

The Gómez-Acebo & Pombo Abogacía Internacional de los Negocios Award also highlighted the work of Eva Tarrasa, while the second prize went to Rodrigo Almazán, who analysed the protection of creditors of contingent convertible instruments in European banking law.

Finally, the Uría Menéndez Award for Excellence in Legal Argumentation went to David Sánchez for his work on law and legislative quality, and to Carmen Burgos for her study on the international role of the notary's office.

Once again, with these awards, the Faculty of Law reaffirms its commitment to academic excellence and the training of highly qualified professionals in the legal field. Congratulations to all the winners!

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