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Mystique of the gaze: Saint John of the Cross

Professor Juan Antonio Marcos gave this conference as part of the 47th Semana Sanjuanista de Úbeda, organised by the UNED of Jaén in collaboration with the Carmelites

A man giving a talk at a podium with microphones and banners in the background at an event titled 'Semana Sanjuanista 2024'.

Professor Marcos during his lecture

28 October 2024

Last Friday, 25 October 2024, the conference of the Professor of the Faculty of Theology Juan Antonio Marcos took place as part of the programme of the 47th Sanjuanista Week of Úbeda, organised by the UNED of Jaén in collaboration with the Carmelites.

Held in the Hospital de Santiago (Úbeda), this Week of study and reflection dates back to 1977, when the community of Discalced Carmelites organised a series of conferences, liturgical and artistic events around the figure of Saint John of the Cross.

In this context, Professor Marcos gave his lecture entitled "Mysticism of the gaze: St. John of the Cross", focusing his research on the relationship of St. John of the Cross with God as acting, a presence that looks while loving, because, said the Professor, "to look is to love".

The full lecture is available here:

Professor Juan Antonio Marcos Rodríguez holds a PhD in Spanish Philosophy (Linguistics), from the Department of Moral Theology and Praxis of Christian Life, and is a recognised expert in Carmelite spirituality and mysticism, as well as in Spiritual Theology and language. He is also currently Deputy Director of the University of Mysticism - CITeS (Ávila). His latest publications include La Mística como Atención Amorosa. Saint John of the Cross (BAC 2024).

All the latest news from the Faculty of Theology can be found on the website, in the monthly newsletter and on the social network X (formerly Twitter).

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