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International mobility is a highly recommended component of any quality doctoral research.


International mobility is a highly recommended component of any quality doctoral research.


International Mention

The title of Doctor may include the mention "International Doctor", provided that the following circumstances are met:

During the period of training required to obtain the doctoral degree, the PhD student must have spent at least three months outside Spain in a prestigious higher education institution or research centre, studying or carrying out research work. The stay and the activities must be endorsed by the director and authorised by the Academic Committee, and will be included in the student's activities document.

Part of the doctoral thesis, at least the summary and conclusions, must have been written and presented in one of the usual languages for scientific communication in their field of knowledge, other than any of the official languages in Spain. This rule does not apply when the stays, reports and experts come from a Spanish-speaking country.

The thesis must have been peer-reviewed by at least two PhD experts from a non-Spanish higher education institution or research institute.

At least one expert from a non-Spanish higher education institution or research centre with a doctoral degree, other than the person responsible for the stay mentioned in section a), must have been a member of the thesis examining board.

The defence of the thesis must be carried out at the Spanish university where the PhD student is registered or, in the case of joint doctoral programmes, at any of the participating universities or under the terms of the collaboration agreements.

student and teacher

International co-guardianship

The thesis may be carried out under international co-supervision, provided that it meets the requirements described below.

The thesis is not part of a joint programme.

The thesis is supervised by two or more PhD students from Comillas Pontifical University and another foreign university.

The doctoral student has spent a minimum of 6 months at the foreign institution carrying out research work, either in a single period or in several periods.

A co-supervision agreement for the thesis has been formalised between the two universities, which determines the supervision of the thesis by these doctors, the activities to be carried out by the PhD student and the terms of the stay at the foreign institution.

International Mobility Guide for the Doctorate

What agreements are there?

Comillas Pontifical University has an extensive network of cooperation agreements with universities around the world, some of which also cover research mobility. The university also participates in many international university networks.

However, it should be noted that mobility for research is not governed by the same procedures and criteria as mobility for bachelor's or master's degrees. In this case, it is essential to have direct and personal relationships, either of the student or of his/her supervisors, with researchers at the host universities. It is through these personal relationships that the student's possible mobility should be managed, so that the line of research of interest to both parties is clearly identified, as well as the supervisor at the host university.


Mobility aids

Comillas Pontifical University has grants for student mobility, subject to the requirements of an employment relationship with Comillas or otherwise. In addition, students can also receive other types of public or private aid.