Erasmus+ Grants for Staff Mobility
Consult the grants that help to manage geographic mobility for teachers, researchers, administrative and service staff.
Erasmus+ grants for teaching purposes
The aim is to promote short-term stays of University lecturers to teach at partner higher education institutions in Europe and partner countries in the host country.
Erasmus+ grants for training purposes
The aim is to promote short-term stays of teachers, researchers and administrative and service staff in European and partner country companies and higher education institutions for training purposes.
Erasmus+ Grants Action KA107-Partner Countries for Teaching Purposes
Erasmus+ Grants Action KA107-Partner Countries training purposes
Contact Study Grants Office
Monday to Thursday: from 9:00h. to 12:30h. and from 15:30h. to 17:00h.
Friday: from 9:00h. to 12:30h.
Monday to Friday: from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., during the months of June, July and August.
The Office will be closed on public holidays in accordance with the University's Calendar.