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Estudios Hidrógeno

BBVA joins the Chair for Low Carbon Hydrogen Studies

This financial institution will contribute to the creation of proposals for the development of business and regulatory models


31 January 2022

The Chair for Low Carbon Hydrogen Studies continues adding sponsors to strenghten the importance of this pioneering initiative in Spain, the objective of which is to study and promote the role of this energy vector. The latest to join was BBVA, which participated in the latest seminar held at the university.

“Low carbon hydrogen can help in the decarbonisation of many economic activities. Its contribution is particularly important in sectors when greenhouse gas emissions are difficult to reduce. But it needs investment and regulatory support to increase demand, scale up deployment and reduce costs”, maintains the Head of Sustainable Transition at BBVA, Ricardo Laiseca.

The financial institution will join the Chair to contribute with their experience in the creation of proposals for the development of business and regulatory models, and to promote and bring sustainability closer to society. The breakthrough of hydrogen as a solution to reduce the carbon footprint has made it a necessary element in the race to combat climate change. Its characteristics open up the possibility of boosting this sector of renewable energy, as well as the emergence of new business models", as its officers state.

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