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ChatGPT, a complement to training

The OAID organises its first LED Meetings of the year dedicated to generative AI

Encuentro LED. IA Generativa (27-09-2023)_1 copia_2.jpeg

Professor Eduardo C. Garrido during his speech.

19 October 2023

The Office of Support for Teaching Innovation (OAID) at Comillas Pontifical University resumed the LED Meetings for the 2023-24 academic year with two sessions in which a crucial topic for the present of education was addressed: the use of Artificial Intelligence in university teaching. Under the title "Generative AI: use of ChatGPT and other AI in university teaching", Lecturer Eduardo C. Garrido delved into the practical use of this type of tool in two meetings attended by 136 lecturers, first at Comillas Conecta Lab and later at Cantoblanco.

The Director of the OAID, Susana García, opened the session by recalling the widespread concern that exists around Artificial Intelligence. For this reason, she said, "our aim at the office is to provide training for teachers to familiarise them with these tools".

During his speech, Garrido warned that the use of AI tools is becoming more and more widespread. "We can turn our backs on this reality and continue teaching our classes as before, but students know that it exists. More and more institutions are encouraging us not to prohibit these tools but to teach them how to use them as a tutor that can help us to complement their training".

After a first part focused on the technical aspects of AI, Garrido dedicated the central part of his speech to developing some uses of ChatGPT in the classroom and to generating a debate from a humanistic point of view. "I want you to get to know the tool so that you can make better decisions about how to take advantage of it in your teaching," he said.

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