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Comillas presents its new features for the 2023/2024 academic year at Aula

Madrid Culinary Campus, new headquarters, degrees and an extension of scholarships among the most prominent


The rector of Comillas, Enrique Sanz, with Pilar Alegría, minister of Education and Vocational Training

23 March 2023

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The rector of Comillas, Enrique Sanz, SJ, attended the official opening of AULA. It counted on the presence of Pilar Alegría, minister of Education and Vocational Training, and the minister of Universities, Joan Subirats. During the subsequent visit to the fair facilities, the minister of Universities stopped at the Comillas stand to see the university's educational innovations.

Like each year, Comillas Pontifical University attended the International Student and Education Opportunities Exhibition (Aula). And like every year, it presents several new features. The most important is Madrid Culinary Campus (MACC), an innovative university centre for training and gastronomic creation, unique in the world, which combines Comillas Pontifical University ‘s experience and prestige in education and research with Vocento’s knowledge of the gastronomic and communication sector.

The Bachelor´s Degree in Gastronomy and Culinary Innovation will combine subjects in gastronomy, agricultural and agro-environmental engineering, and business administration, with the participation of two of the leading figures in contemporary cuisine, Ferrán Adrià and Andoni Luis Aduriz.

Comillas Pontifical University is presenting other degrees, as well as an extension of scholarships:

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Analytics (E-8). Taught entirely in English, it aims to train people to make decisions based on data analytics and provide a better understanding and perspective of the problems and management of businesses and organisations in the new digital era.

New FIPE format. The Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (FIPE), which was previously taught online, will become fully face-to-face next year at the Cantoblanco campus. The people in charge of FIPE say that “it offers a very demanded versatile professional profile”, and that it allows for professional practice in law firms, political-social consultancy, legal departments in multinationals, think tanks or in the public administration.

New EUEF San Rafael headquarters. The University School of Nursing and Physical Therapy incorporated the San Rafael Health Sciences Campus this year, which offers more than 400 new places. The merging of the two campuses will, in the medium term, welcome more than 700 students for all the degrees in Health Sciences at Comillas.

Extension of scholarships up to 100%. Comillas is firmly committed to supporting students with good studying abilities and merits but limited economic resources. In the 2021-2022 academic year, more than 800 scholarships were granted for undergraduate studies with an investment of 3.6 million euros. Comillas grants, compatible with the scholarship that the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training offers each academic year, are a partial reduction in tuition fees of up to 60% and, in exceptional cases, 75%. When it comes to Padre Díaz Moreno Grants and Public Talent Grants, there is a possibility to grant a full reduction of tuition fees.

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