Finanzas Sostenibles

What is sustainable finance?

The CaixaBank AM - FundsPeople Sustainable Finance Observatory started its activity with a meeting

The CaixaBank AM - FundsPeople Sustainable Finance Observatory started its activity with a meeting

The CaixaBank AM - FundsPeople Sustainable Finance Observatory started its activity with a meeting

22 February 2023

The CaixaBank AM - FundsPeople Sustainable Finance Observatory of Comillas ICADE organized a meeting in which Eugenio Solla, Sustainability Director at Caixabank and member of the Executive Committee at CaixaBank, and María Folqué, Head of Sustainability at FundsPeople, were asked “What is sustainable finance?”. Eugenio Solla explained the value of sustainability as a key strategy whereas María Folqué analysed the sustainable finance ecosystem.

The director of the observatory, Elisa Aracil, opened the meeting and underlined the value of sustainable finance in these times of transition. In this initial event of the observatory, the organisers launched the first 'Sustainable Finance Challenge' for the students, which consists in solving a real industry problem by providing innovative solutions. Team registration is open until 27 February at finsost@comillas.edu. The challenge will be revealed on 28 February.

The mission of the observatory will be to research, analyse and spread issues related to sustainable finance in the transition to a decarbonised economy and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, as well as to facilitate the best understanding possible of the risks and opportunities involved in the transition to a more sustainable society.

Among other objectives, the CaixaBank AM - FundsPeople Sustainable Finance Observatory will reflect, with academic rigour, on the challenges posed by the finance-sustainability pair from a multi-sectoral perspective and will do research in areas related to sustainable finance and suggest solutions. 

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