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"No road will be long"

Professor Santiago G. Mourelo publishes this article on the itineraries of education in faith in the magazine Misión Joven, of Salesians

Imagen de un resumen de artículo académico sobre educación en la fe, titulado 'Ningún camino será largo' escrito por Santiago García Mourelo de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas en Madrid.

Summary of the article

10 December 2024

Professor Santiago García Mourelo, in his recent article "No road will be long: Convenience and modulation of the itineraries of education in the faith", in the magazine Misión Joven, of Salesians Spain (December 2024, nº 575), analyses the urgency of transforming the catechetical processes to respond to the cultural, social and spiritual challenges faced by the new generations. From a critical and proactive approach, García Mourelo highlights the need to adopt mystagogical methodologies that integrate the proclamation of the Gospel with accompaniment in the spiritual maturation of young people.

The article stresses that the itineraries of education in the faith must transcend the usual reductionisms, such as limiting themselves to preparation for the sacraments or to a series of predefined experiences. Instead, they should be flexible and deeply rooted in local realities, respecting the unique protagonism of each person in their process of encountering God. García Mourelo also emphasises that Christian faith, although inculturated, must not adapt in an accommodating way to contemporary trends, but must be oriented towards the fullness revealed in Christ.

The author identifies fundamental challenges in youth evangelisation, such as avoiding pastoral technification or community fragmentation, proposing that itineraries should be intergenerational, participatory and open to the action of the Holy Spirit. He also points out that Christian life is not exhausted in ritual acts, but implies an integral transformation based on self-giving and communion with others. García Mourelo's proposal resonates as a call to revitalise the role of the Church in the formation of authentic Christians, capable of integrating faith and life in an ever-changing world.

The full article is available to subscribers.

Professor Santiago García Mourelo holds a PhD in Theology from the Department of Dogmatic and Fundamental Theology, and is a recognised expert in the phenomenology of religion and youth ministry. He is currently Coordinator of Theological Extension and Christian Social Thought at the University. His latest publications include Teología Fundamental ( CCS 2024) and Sueños y travesías. Claves e itinerarios para una mistagogía con jóvenes ( Desclée De Brouwer 2023).

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