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Bachelor's Degree in Biblical Theology by distance learning

The Faculty of Theology at Comillas presents this new officially certified Master's Degree Programme

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All the information, in the link below

6 May 2024

On 25 April, the Faculty of Theology held its informative session to present its academic and training offer at the Bachelor's Degree, Postgraduate (Bachelor-Master's Degrees and its own Degrees) and Doctorate levels.

The next academic year 2024-2025, as a novelty, a new speciality of the Bachelor's Degree in Theology (Master's) offered by the Faculty will be launched. The now classic specialisations that the Faculty of Theology offers in classroom mode are: Dogmatic-Fundamental Theology, Sacred Scripture, Moral and Pastoral Theology and Spiritual Theology.

Now, the Licentiate in Theology, an official Master's degree, is presented in distance mode under the speciality of Biblical Theology. The call for admissions is now open.

Pope Francis, in the Apostolic Constitution Veritatis Gaudium, points out and underlines that, in the process of evangelisation, the "appropriate renewal of the system of ecclesiastical studies is called to play a strategic role. In fact, these studies must not only offer places and itineraries for the qualified formation of priests, consecrated persons and committed lay people, but constitute a kind of providential cultural laboratory, in which the Church is exercised in the interpretation of the performance of the reality which flows from the event of Jesus Christ and which is nourished by the gifts of Wisdom and Science, with which the Holy Spirit enriches the whole People of God in various ways" (VG, proem, 3).

Responding to the call of Pope Francis, the Faculty of Theology at Comillas Pontifical University offers the degree in Biblical Theology by distance learning.

The Bachelor's Degree in Biblical Theology at a distance aims to make it possible to obtain a canonical degree for those who, having obtained a bachelor's degree in theology, do not have the time or place available to obtain a licence in a face-to-face mode (pastoral agents, peripheries, contemplative life). The degree offers intensive biblical training, and in order to be admitted, the student must, in addition to the relevant degree in theology, demonstrate a certain knowledge of Greek and Hebrew. In this way, the courses, while continuing to study the biblical languages in depth, can be more clearly oriented towards the study of biblical content. As a bachelor's degree in biblical theology prepares for teaching and popularisation, we have sought courses that are somewhat broader than those typical of a purely Scripture degree, as the latter is usually much more focused, above all, on research and scientific exegesis.

In addition to the corresponding degree in Theology, candidates must also have completed courses in Biblical Greek I and II and Biblical Hebrew I and II or their corresponding level.

As this is a canonical distance-learning degree, applicants, in accordance with the Instruction for the implementation of the distance-learning modality in the ecclesiastical Universities/Faculties (2021), must prove that they are pastoral workers; or religious men or women of contemplative life; or, also, that they develop their life in what Pope Francis calls the "peripheries".

All general information, syllabus, admission requirements, faculty and regulations are available by clicking here.

All the latest news from the Faculty of Theology can be found on the website, in the monthly newsletter and on the social network X (formerly Twitter).

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