Open calls for registrations from 14/10/24 to 25/04/25

Official Master's Degree in General Health Psychology

Indispensable to be able to work as a psychologist in the health field.

What is the Master?

Studying the Master's in General Health Psychology is an indispensable requirement to work as a psychologist in the health field, since the regulation of Psychology in the health sector in our country. If you want to carry out evaluation, research and intervention tasks that promote and improve people's health, this is your master's degree.

The Master's in General Health Psychology at the Pontifical Comillas University is distinguished from other training proposals by including in its design the learning of intervention strategies for psychological problems from different theoretical approaches of psychology, with the aim of providing a therapeutic action that best suits the demand posed.

The program is focused on professional activity and therefore the subjects taught provide specialization in areas such as the development of the therapeutic process. In the second year, it offers a wide range of elective subjects, which are organized into four training itineraries: systemic family therapy, humanistic psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioral intervention with children and adolescents, and contemporary psychoanalytic psychotherapy.

  • Centers
    Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (Comillas CIHS)
  • Languages
  • Certification
    Official master's degrees
  • Modality
    Face to face
  • Duration
    2 years (120 ECTS)
  • Starts On
  • Seats

Any questions?

If you need more information you can fill in the following form and you will receive information about this program.

What makes us different?




Hours of practice per week between 1st and 2nd year



Internship Centres

Health centres with an internship agreement




Percentage of employment rate of graduates


The Tutored Professional Internships provide students of the Master's Degree in General Health Psychology with the opportunity to apply the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in the other subjects of the Master's Degree. They also allow students to immerse themselves in the reality of clinical practice in one of the more than 65 health centres with which the Master's has signed agreements. Students will progressively acquire the necessary professional experience that will provide them with greater maturity for the practice of their profession.

Study Plan

Curricullum 2024



Juan Pedro Núñez
Juan Pedro Núñez
Professor Comillas CIHS

With this master's degree you will be able to work as a psychologist in the field of health.

Professional projection

The Official Master's Degree in General Health Psychology meets the requirements of Legal Order ECD / 1070/2013, of June 12, 2013, which qualifies graduates of the degree to exercise in the regulated profession of General Health Psychologist.

  • Psychologist in psychological care centres

  • Psychologist in child care centres

  • Rehabilitation centres for the chronically ill

  • Care centres for people with disabilities

Tutored Professional Internships

The Tutored Professional Internships provide students of the Master's Degree in General Health Psychology with the opportunity to apply the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in the other subjects of the Master's Degree. They also allow students to immerse themselves in the reality of clinical practice in one of the more than 65 health centres with which the Master's has signed agreements. Students will progressively acquire the necessary professional experience that will provide them with greater maturity for the practice of their profession.Las Prácticas Profesionales Tuteladas aportan al estudiante del Máster en Psicología General Sanitaria la posibilidad de aplicar los conocimientos teórico-prácticos adquiridos en el resto de asignaturas del máster. Asimismo, le permiten su inmersión en la realidad de la práctica clínica en alguno de los más de 65 centros sanitarios con los que el Máster tiene firmados convenios. Progresivamente el alumno irá adquiriendo la experiencia profesional necesaria que le irá dotando de una mayor madurez para el ejercicio de su profesión.

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Everything you need to know

What our students say

Many people like you are already making the most of their master's degree. Find out about their experience.

María Ángeles Barrantes

Comillas CIHS

María Ángeles Barrantes

He mejorado las habilidades terapéuticas y he tenido la oportunidad de poder desarrollarme en la práctica clínica con pacientes reales.

Andrea Villasevil

Comillas CIHS

Andrea Villasevil

Los profesores además de ser docentes, ejercen como psicólogos y esto ofrece la posibilidad de analizar numerosos casos clínicos, que resulta muy útil de cara a la práctica profesional.

Teaching Staff

Information for students

Professional and academic opportunities

Graduate profile
Students who successfully complete the master's degree program will obtain the official Master's degree in General Health Psychology, which qualifies them for the regulated profession of General Health Psychologist. The master's degree meets the requirements of Order ECD/1070/2013, of 12 June, which establishes the requirements for the verification of official university master's degrees in General Health Psychology.

This degree allows for research, assessments and psychological interventions on those aspects of people's behaviour and activity that influence the promotion and improvement of their general state of health, provided that these activities do not require specialised attention by other health professionals (Law 33/2011, of 4 October, General Public Health).

Professionals who graduate from the Master's Degree in General Health Psychology can carry out assessment and intervention activities for individual, family and couple problems in a variety of healthcare settings. These include: psychological care centres, health centres that are not part of the Public Health System, care centres for minors, rehabilitation centres for the chronically ill, care centres for the disabled, addiction treatment centres, care centres for the elderly, etc. Every year we analyse the preferred areas of employment in order to adapt the courses to the change in social demands.

Academic opportunities
The Master's Degree in General Health Psychology has official status and as such allows access to the Doctorate.

Comillas CIHS

Cantoblanco Campus

Since its foundation, the Faculties of Human and Social Sciences, Theology and Canon Law at Comillas Pontifical University have had the vocation to promote humanism and plurality.

It is defined by its desire to train people capable of taking thought and ideas to the highest levels, and to give them the necessary skills to be useful and improve life in the complex world in which we live.

Related studies

Preguntas frecuentes

  • Because Comillas studies are in high demand and places are limited, the best candidates have to be selected through admission tests.

  • Each class has its own tutor, whose function is to integrate the student into the group and to pay attention to their academic performance. Furthermore, at Comillas, the teaching system is distinguished, among other characteristics, by the personalised attention and the fluid and permanent relationship between teachers and students.

  • The teaching system at Comillas is especially oriented towards the relationship with the reality of companies, institutions, organisations and professional practice. The Internship and Employment Office is responsible for providing students with internships related to their studies in order to enrich their training. In the 2017-18 academic year, 6,296 student internships in companies were managed.
    In addition to these internships managed by the Internship and Employment Office, all degree courses have a significant number of compulsory external internships as part of their curriculums.

  • The Internship and Employment Office informs, guides and collaborates in the insertion in the labour market of recent graduates or in the projection of the professional career of Comillas graduates, for which it has an online tool that puts candidates in direct contact with 5,078 companies with which Comillas maintains a relationship. During the 2017-18 academic year, 1,838 job offers were managed. Of the total number of graduates from the 2018 graduating class, 93.22% are employed, either working or furthering their studies, within six months of completing their studies.

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Prospective Students Office
Faculty of Human and Social Sciences
C/ Universidad Comillas, 3 - 28049 Madrid
(Cantoblanco Campus)
Tel: +34 91 542 28 00 ext. 2825

Director of the Master's Degree:
D. Gonzalo Aza

Master's Coordinator:
María Amaya Redonet Astigarraga

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