Open calls for registrations from 15/03/25 to 15/06/25

Doctoral Program in Economic and Business Law

Joint doctoral program with the University of Deusto and Ramón Llull University.

General information

What does this doctorate consist of?

Adapted to the regulations set out in Royal Decree 99/2011, it enables students to embark on a professional career as a researcher in universities and private or public research centres in the field of economic and business law. The program is part of the Campus of International Excellence Aristos Campus Mundus 2015, an initiative that is the result of the strategic aggregation of three universities of social initiative (the University of Deusto, the Universidad Pontificia Comillas and the Universitat Ramon Llull-ESADE) and is also born with an advanced strategic cooperation agreement with Georgetown University, Boston College and Fordham University. Its objective is to promote academic, teaching and research excellence and a joint commitment to social, responsible and sustainable innovation.

The focus of R&D&I and thematic specialisation revolves around the concept of "focus areas" (FA), which correspond to strategic areas of research (in several cases with an interdisciplinary nature) and, in all cases, in response to specific social challenges. Economic and Business Law is, in particular, a focus area within this framework.

This program develops research into economic law, without keeping the classical academic distinction that compartmentalises public law in isolation from private law.

The program enables the following lines of research to be explored in depth:
- National and transnational company law
- Modernisation of company law
- Public Economic Law and Efficient Institutions
- Corporate Governance
- Law, market and sustainable global society

All of this is aimed at advancing legal research in a world where the economy and business are constantly changing due to social, technological and economic advances.

- You can take this program with the International Mention.

- The program can also be taken as an Industrial Doctorate.

  • Centers
    Escuela Internacional de Doctorado
  • Languages
  • Certification
  • Modality
  • Duration
    4 years full time and 7 years part time
  • Seats
    10 per school

Any questions?

If you need more information you can fill in the following form and you will receive information about this program.

What makes us different?



Theses read

Number of doctoral theses read by students on the program



Pre-doctoral fellowships

Number of ongoing pre-doctoral fellowships



Funded projects

Don't miss a date

Academic calendar


In this CALENDAR you will be able to check the required Training Activities, Training Complements and Research Seminars, as well as other key events.

The Guide to Managing Doctoral Activities for the Student contains the specific steps that students must follow in order to register the activities they carry out during their PhD studies.

The doctorate programme includes transversal research training activities as well as ones which are specific to each programme. These activities are designed to give excellent training to new researchers and to develop their research competencies to their full potential.

Through the development of activities, it is hoped that an intellectual space will be created in which young researchers can develop their training in an excellent setting of research, creativity, interdisciplinary perspectives and team work.

The activities take place throughout the programme. They will be made up of courses, workshops, seminars, attending conferences, publishing articles and mobility periods.

The programming of these activities seeks to guarantee the students' international experience, preferably via periods in foreign universities or research centres, by completing international theses, participating in international conferences and the intervention of visiting lecturers in training activities.


The additional training courses will be mandatory for those doctoral students who are assigned to them upon admission to the program. The need or not to take these courses is determined by the Academic Committee of the program according to the student's admission profile.

Time allocation:

  • Full time: 1st semester.
  • Part time: 1st and 2nd year.

Those that have completed post-graduate credits containing legal methodology and that have enough training and previous research experience will not have to undertaken these courses either in full or in part.

Program aimed at training for specialised research in economic and business law.

ICADE Comillas

Calle Alberto Aguilera, 23

Its origins date back to 1956 when business management courses began to be taught in the Jesuit residence in Zorrilla Street. Today, it has been a reference for more than half a century in the areas of Law and Business Administration and Management, playing a pioneering role in the implementation of double degree programs in our country.

Everything you need to know


Quality and regulations



  • Doctoral Regulations (please take into account the Transitory Provision depending on the time of commencement of studies and the previous Doctoral Regulations, available at these links: 2023 and former).


Information for students

For this doctorate

Lines of research

The PhD's main lines of research are the modernisation of company law, the study of corporate taxation, the regulation of all types of markets, the legal framework of national and international research, the digital society, legal tech and technology law.

- National and transnational company law
- Modernisation of company law
- Public Economic Law
- Corporate Governance
- Law, market and sustainable global society

Staff of the Doctoral program and research areas 

What is our faculty researching?
You can consult in this document the research p rojects in which the members of the faculty participate or have participated.

What are our doctoral students researching?
Here you can see the latest theses defended

Our alumni

Borja Sánchez Barroso

The Comillas PhD programme has allowed me to carry out research stays abroad, which have broadened my horizons and allowed me to deepen my research, as part of a global network that seeks to better understand the world and gradually create a better society.

Diego Agulló Agulló

The Doctoral Programme in Economic and Business Law at Comillas-ICADE is a great option for those who want to complete their doctoral thesis. In my case, I was able to successfully defend my thesis and I was able to carry out research stays in prestigious international centres.

Francisco Pérez-Crespo Vinader

Thanks to the doctoral programme, I hope to be able to start my career as a researcher and to contribute with knowledge and research solutions to the legal problems of the future. For the benefit of society as a whole

Related studies

  • Business
  • Doctorates
  • English
  • 4 years full time and 7 years part time
  • Engineering
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  • English, Spanish
  • 4 years full time and 7 years part time
  • Philosophy
  • Doctorates
  • Spanish
  • 4 years full time and 7 years part time
  • Business
  • Doctorates
  • English
  • 4 years full time and 7 years part time
  • Engineering
  • Doctorates
  • English, Spanish
  • 4 years full time and 7 years part time
  • Philosophy
  • Doctorates
  • Spanish
  • 4 years full time and 7 years part time

Preguntas frecuentes

We solve your doubts

  • A maximum of four years, full-time, and five years, part-time, from admission to the program until the application for submission of the doctoral thesis is made.

  • No, you can defend your thesis at any time if it is admitted for defence, but you should note that the minimum tuition fees are three years full-time and five years part-time.

  • Initially, it is advisable to contact the program coordinator to assess the possible line of research and thesis supervisor. Afterwards, you will have to register in the admissions portal and upload the necessary documentation. Depending on the program, this documentation may vary, please read carefully the information note of the selected program where the required documents are detailed.

See more questions
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PhD Coordinator:
Ricardo Pazos Castro

Academic Committee: You can consult the composition of the Academic Committee at the following link.

For further information:
915422800 ext. 2119

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