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Specialist Degree in Aeronautical and Space Law

Specific training on the new aeronautical and space context is acquired.

dos aviones en vuelo

What is the Course?

Traditionally, aviation law has been in the hands of the public sector, airline law firms and large law firms, due to the speciality of the subject. In short, training in very specific areas of this law has not been the subject of dissemination.

With this specialisation course,Comillas Pontifical University and the Spanish Association of Aeronautical and Space Law (AEDAE), offer high quality training, from the hand of the leading practising professionals in the sector and the Public Administration.

The course places special emphasis on the student acquiring complementary knowledge necessary for their better performance in the sector such as: business part, contract drafting, data protection, cybersecurity, compliance, and aeronautical and space English.

  • Centers
    Derecho (Comillas ICADE)
  • Languages
  • Certification
    Comillas degrees
  • Modality
    Bimodal síncrono
  • Duration
    200 hours
  • Seats

Any questions?

If you need more information you can fill in the following form and you will receive information about this program.

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Why the Course?

Exclusive subjects will be taught such as: airport management, airport economics and privatisation, Handling analysis and its complex legal regime, Aircraft contracts and their financing, Military contracts and civil contracts, among many other subjects.

In the field of space, this program provides the necessary tools to easily deal with issues related to the legal regime applicable to activities carried out in outer space, whether by governmental or private entities. In turn, the legal training is complemented by scientific and political-economic issues in order to understand the environment in which they operate.

The space module has an unprecedented business and institutional participation, both nationally and internationally, highlighting the participation in the faculty of TEDAE, CDTI, IGN and the European Space Agency.

Students who so wish may carry out INTERNSHIPS IN COMPANIES that have signed an exclusive agreement with the University, which will provide them with the practical experience to further their career, both in the technical or legal field, as well as in the aerospace sector, and to expand their network of contacts. Comillas Pontifical University is a pioneer in offering this possibility, and has extensive experience in opening doors to employment through other programs related to the field of transport.


The methodology of the course is based on transmitting the necessary tools to provide comprehensive advice on all aspects of the aerospace industry. From both a theoretical and practical point of view, the lecturers: civil servants, professors, practising lawyers or heads of the different departments of companies in the sector, will transmit:

- Their practical experience in the resolution of various contractual, judicial and administrative disputes through the analysis of texts and the resolution of real cases.

- Their specialised legal knowledge, essential for legal advice in the aerospace field.

- Students who so wish may carry out non-compulsory internships in the legal departments of companies in the aerospace sector and the companies that provide services to them.

The CPEDAE offers students, both inside and outside Spain, the best of new technologies applied to the teaching activity, so that it can be taught in synchronous or simultaneous bimodality format, allowing the student to attend in person or remotely from home or work and ask questions and interact with the teacher and classmates in real time, without noticing any difference with the situation of the student in the face-to-face mode.

Study Plan

High-quality training, provided by the sector's leading practising professionals and the Public Administration.

Everything you need to know

Comillas ICADE

Calle Alberto Aguilera, 23
28015 Madrid

Its origins date back to 1956 when business management courses began to be taught in the Jesuit residence in Zorrilla Street. Today, it has been a reference for more than half a century in the areas of Law and Business Administration and Management, playing a pioneering role in the implementation of double degree programs in our country.

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Preguntas frecuentes

  • Because Comillas studies are in high demand and places are limited, the best candidates have to be selected through admission tests.

  • Each class has its own tutor, whose function is to integrate the student into the group and to pay attention to their academic performance. Furthermore, at Comillas, the teaching system is distinguished, among other characteristics, by the personalised attention and the fluid and permanent relationship between teachers and students.

  • The teaching system at Comillas is especially oriented towards the relationship with the reality of companies, institutions, organisations and professional practice. The Internship and Employment Office is responsible for providing students with internships related to their studies in order to enrich their training. In the 2017-18 academic year, 6,296 student internships were managed in companies.
    In addition to these internships managed by the Internship and Employment Office, all degree courses have a significant number of compulsory external internships as part of their curriculums.

  • The Internship and Employment Office informs, guides and collaborates in the insertion in the labour market of recent graduates or in the projection of the professional career of Comillas graduates, for which it has an online tool that puts candidates in direct contact with 5,078 companies with which Comillas maintains a relationship. During the 2017-18 academic year, 1,838 job offers were managed. Of the total number of graduates from the 2018 graduating class, 93.22% are employed, either working or furthering their studies, within six months of completing their studies.

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Director of the Aviation Law Program CPDAE: 
Efren Diaz efren.diaz@aedae.onmicrosoft.com

Director of the Space Law Program CPDAE: 
Elisa González Ferreiro Presidenta.aedae@gmail.com

Rosa M. Collado Martinez  rcollado@icade.comillas.edu

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