New calls for registration coming soon

Specialist Degree in Ecclesiastical Assets Administration

Mission-driven administration, professionalism, transparency, accountability

What can the Course offer you?

The Church today asks the administrators of ecclesiastical goods, which is always a public function within the Church, to carry out their work with an eye to the charism proper to the Church, bearing in mind the evangelical meaning of goods, but with effectiveness and efficiency. Transparency, accountability, gratuity and training (professionalism) are today vectors along which a good administration of the goods of ecclesiastical entities must run. The way goods are administered is never neutral, but must be aligned with the being and mission of the entity that owns the goods. The choices of administration, assuming effectiveness and efficiency, constitute a criterion for verifying the mission of the Church in the concrete.

This set of circumstances explains the need for an ever greater professionalisation of the administration of the Church's goods.

"Quia spiritualia sine temporalibus diu esse non possunt sicut anima sino corpore" (Synod of Saragossa in 1537). For the spiritual without the temporal cannot endure, as the soul without the body.

"Attentive care must be taken to ensure that the goods of the institutes are administered with caution and transparency, that they are protected and preserved, combining the priority charismatic-spiritual dimension with the economic dimension and efficiency, which has its own humus in the administrative tradition of the institutes, which does not tolerate waste and is attentive to the good use of resources". Pope Francis

  • Centers
  • Languages
  • Certification
    Comillas degrees
  • Modality
  • Duration
    1 year (31 ECTS)
  • Seats

Any questions?

If you need more information you can fill in the following form and you will receive information about this program.

What makes us different?



The resources of the Faculties of Canon Law, Law and Business (ICADE) are at the service of this task.



Proposal of the Universidad Pontificia Comillas with the collaboration of Caixabank



Focused on the training of true specialists who contribute to a better administration of the Church's assets.

Study Plan

Estructura del Programa

La propuesta se estructura desde dos bloques principales:

  • el primero específicamente canónico, en 3 módulos,
  • y el segundo, orientado al ámbito jurídico-civil espanol y financiero, en 9 módulos, enfocado a optimizar la formación necesaria para un mejor desempeno profesional como administrador de bienes de la Iglesia.

A ellos se anade la previsión de una jornada anual de actualidad para los alumnos en curso y los antiguos y un trabajo conclusivo sobre buenas prácticas en la administración de bienes de entidades eclesiásticas.

El conjunto de la formación se compone de 31 ECTS:

  • 28 correspondientes a las asignaturas,
  • 1 a la jornada de actualidad y 2 al trabajo conclusivo de buenas prácticas.

Cada crédito se compone de 20 horas, 5 presenciales y 15 no presenciales.

En cada módulo, excepto en los correspondientes al Derecho canónico, el aprendizaje presencial se estructurará del siguiente modo:

  • Mes 1: Sesión de introducción.
  • Mes 2: Trabajo de profundización.
  • Mes 3: Resolución de problemas. Casos prácticos
  • Mes 4: Evaluación

El método propuesto será el de semi-presencialidad.

La opción más recomendada es que el alumno concurra presencialmente dos días y medio al mes (jueves tarde, viernes completo y sábado por la mañana), en la sede de la universidad en la calle Alberto Aguilera 23, Madrid. Excepcionalmente para aquellos alumnos residentes fuera de Madrid o en los que concurran circunstancias especiales, las sesiones presenciales se podrán seguir también a distancia, siempre síncronamente.

Plan de Estudios
Miguel Campo Ibáñez, SJ. Program Director
Miguel Campo Ibáñez, SJ.
Program Director

Aimed at professionals in the field of ecclesiastical asset management.

Professional projection

Pending interaction to be added:

Admin. of Canonical FoundationsAdmin. of Associations.

  • Adminin. Diocesan Curias

  • Admin. Institutes of Consecrated Life

  • Admin. of Societies of Apostolic Life

  • Admin. of Societies of Apostolic Life

partners EABE



Everything you need to know

hombre revisando balances contables

Employment Exchange

The Specialist in Administration of Ecclesiastical Assets program offers the opportunity to put those graduates who wish to do so in contact with the ecclesiastical institutions that contact us in search of professionals who are especially qualified for the task of administering ecclesiastical assets.

The Career, Internship and Employment Guidance Service (OPE Service) is the university's service dedicated to assisting its students and alumni in entering the labour market through internships and employment, as well as in their professional development.

If you are interested in sending us an offer, please contact:



Calle Alberto Aguilera, 23
28015 Madrid

Its origins date back to 1956 when business management courses began to be taught in the Jesuit residence in Zorrilla Street. Today, it has been a reference for more than half a century in the areas of Law and Business Administration and Management, playing a pioneering role in the implementation of double degree programs in our country.

Related studies

Preguntas frecuentes

  • Because Comillas studies are in high demand and places are limited, the best candidates have to be selected through admission tests.

  • Each class has its own tutor, whose function is to integrate the student into the group and to pay attention to their academic performance. Furthermore, at Comillas, the teaching system is distinguished, among other characteristics, by the personalised attention and the fluid and permanent relationship between teachers and students.

  • The teaching system at Comillas is especially oriented towards the relationship with the reality of companies, institutions, organisations and professional practice. The Internship and Employment Office is responsible for providing students with internships related to their studies in order to enrich their training. In the 2017-18 academic year, 6,296 student internships were managed in companies.
    In addition to these internships managed by the Internship and Employment Office, all degree courses have a significant number of compulsory external internships as part of their curriculums.

  • The Internship and Employment Office informs, guides and collaborates in the insertion in the labour market of recent graduates or in the projection of the professional careers of Comillas graduates, for which it has an online tool that directly connects candidates with 5,078 companies with which Comillas maintains a relationship. During the 2017-18 academic year, 1,838 job offers were managed. Of the total number of graduates from the 2018 graduating class, 93.22% are employed, either working or furthering their studies, within six months of completing their studies.

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Program Director
Miguel Campo Ibáñez

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