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Specialist in Educational Leadership at centres undergoing change and innovation processes

A program to promote change in schools

chicas bailando en clase

What is the Course?

One of the main lines of action of Escuelas Católicas de Madrid (ECM) is to facilitate the training and development of its member schools. The educational world is changing, and it seems certain that in the coming years most schools will move from classical and traditional models of teaching and learning to more complex models based on active pedagogies.

One of the key success factors will be the performance and leadership exercised by school leadership teams. They will have to move from an old, rigid model to a model with the added value of shared leadership and managerial action.

A leader in any school seeking to implement change must have multiple competencies and skills, and his or her job will be as complex, if not more so, than that of a leader in any other sector.

  • Centers
    Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (Comillas CIHS)
  • Languages
  • Certification
    Comillas degrees
  • Modality
  • Duration
    1 year (25 ECTS)

Any questions?

If you need more information you can fill in the following form and you will receive information about this program.

It is important to train specialists in educational leadership

Everything you need to know

Study Plan


The course in detail

During the postgraduate course, participants will grow personally and professionally through the contents and activities proposed, but also through teamwork and the professional value provided by the group as a whole. Therefore, the target audience of this training are:

  • Members of the ownership teams of educational centres or institutions.
  • Members of the executive teams of educational foundations.
  • Members of the management teams of educational centres.
  • Professionals with key roles and great professional projection.
    (All of them in centres in processes of innovation or change).

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Cantoblanco Campus

Since its foundation, the Faculties of Human and Social Sciences, Theology and Canon Law at Comillas Pontifical University have had the vocation to promote humanism and plurality.

It is defined by its desire to train people capable of taking thought and ideas to the highest levels, and to give them the necessary skills to be useful and improve life in the complex world in which we live.

Related studies

Preguntas frecuentes

  • Because Comillas studies are in high demand and places are limited, the best candidates have to be selected through admission tests.

  • Each class has its own tutor, whose function is to integrate the student into the group and to pay attention to their academic performance. Furthermore, at Comillas, the teaching system is distinguished, among other characteristics, by the personalised attention and the fluid and permanent relationship between teachers and students.

  • The teaching system at Comillas is especially oriented towards the relationship with the reality of companies, institutions, organisations and professional practice. The Internship and Employment Office is responsible for providing students with internships related to their studies in order to enrich their training. In the 2017-18 academic year, 6,296 student internships in companies were managed.
    In addition to these internships managed by the Internship and Employment Office, all degree courses have a significant number of compulsory external internships as part of their curriculums.

  • The Internship and Employment Office informs, guides and collaborates in the insertion in the labour market of recent graduates or in the projection of the professional career of Comillas graduates, for which it has an online tool that puts candidates in direct contact with 5,078 companies with which Comillas maintains a relationship. During the 2017-18 academic year, 1,838 job offers were managed. Of the total number of graduates from the 2018 graduating class, 93.22% are employed, either working or furthering their studies, within six months of completing their studies.

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C. Universidad Comillas, 3-5


Tel.:(+34) 91 542 28 00 / (+34) 91 328 80 07

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