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Celebrating the humanisation of healthcare

Comillas hosts the 3rd edition of the Humans awards for the best humanisation projects

Tres personas posan en un escenario con un premio en un evento sobre humanos.

14 March 2025

The Aula Magna at Comillas Pontifical University once again hosted the third edition of the "Best Humanisation Projects" Competition and the Humans Humanisation Awards, an event in which Chiesi, the Official College of Nursing of Madrid, the Mutua Madrileña Foundation, AstraZeneca, Gilead, Sandoz and Sanofi collaborated. The vice-rector for Institutional Relations, Organisation and General Registrar, Dolores Carrillo, was in charge of chairing and introducing the event.

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During his speech, Carrillo recalled that "talking about the humanisation of health is not just an objective, it is a necessity. At Comillas, we are committed to comprehensive training, always putting the person at the centre," she said. "Today, we celebrate those who have demonstrated an exceptional commitment to these values. Their projects and efforts not only improve the quality of health care, but also inspire others to follow their example," she concluded.

Julio Zarco, President of the Humans Foundation, then took the floor to say: "Society as a whole is calling for care that not only cures diseases, but also cares for people as a whole.

This year's winners were: in the "Civil Society" category, Cultura en Vena, an organisation that brings art and culture to hospitals and communities at risk of depopulation; in the "Institution" category, the Sacyr Foundation, an organisation involved in innovation projects such as humanisation in hospital architecture and engineering; in the "Communication" category, the journalist and writer Juan Ramón Lucas, and in the "Personality" category, the writer and scriptwriter Albert Espinosa.

In addition, the Honorary 2025 award was given to Luis Mateo Díez, winner of the Cervantes Prize 2023 and a regular collaborator of the Humans Foundation. The Board of Trustees has agreed to grant him this Humanisation Award for his literary contribution to the representation of human fragility, illness and old age from a humanist perspective, giving a voice to those who live experiences of vulnerability and highlighting the importance of care and dignity in the healthcare field.

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