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Launch of the Data Culture in Human Trafficking II project report

The report with the results of this project, aimed at improving the data culture among agents and organisations that detect and identify human trafficking in Spain, was presented on Wednesday 25 September.

Four people are sitting at a table in a conference room, presenting or attending a session titled 'Data Culture in Human Trafficking II'.

26 September 2024

The first part of the presentation dealt with the following topics: Trafficking and exploitation: realities, challenges and perspectives: An approach to the Spanish context: profiles, statistics and the current situation in Spain; with the participation of Beatriz Sánchez Álvarez, Prosecutor for human trafficking and aliens of the State Attorney General's Office; Jesús López Román, Organised Crime Area, Centre for Intelligence against Terrorism and Organised Crime. Secretary of State for Security; and Elena Arce Jiménez. Director of the Migration and Equal Treatment Area of the Ombudsman's Office.

In the second part, the topics discussed were: The search for the hidden number; The logic of data collection by the different organisations; and The role of detection, whose speakers were.

And to conclude the presentation, the speakers were: Carmen Martínez Raposo, head of human trafficking and discrimination programmes at ACCEM; Rosa Flores, head of the Red Cross Anti-Trafficking Unit; Eva Márquez, coordinator of the Women and Anti-Trafficking area of DIACONÍA; and Ana Delgado Hernando, APRAMP projects, discussed The role of social agents: Civil society and organisations.

You can see the photos of the presentation here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/upcomillas/albums/72177720320574475

Thank you very much to all the participants and attendees of the event!

Comillas Pontifical University ICAI-ICADE


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