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Present and future of transfer pricing

The Deloitte Legal Chair of Business Taxation at Comillas ICADE organised a conference dedicated to this subject, which is crucial for business management and international taxation


2 July 2024

The Deloitte Legal Chair of Business Taxation at the Faculty of Law (Comillas ICADE) organised a meeting entitled "Transfer Pricing 2024: Present and Future", an event that brought together leading experts in the field to discuss developments and the future of transfer pricing, a crucial topic for international taxation and business management.

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Lecturer Francisco Javier Alonso Madrigal, co-director of the chair, was in charge of welcoming the attendees. In his introduction, he set the scene for a series of informative panels and enriching discussions.

The first panel, led by Manuel de los Santos, Head of the Transfer Pricing Unit at the OECD, together with Ramón López de Haro and Carlos Serrano, partners at Deloitte Legal, addressed the OECD's new developments regarding Amount B and future work on transfer pricing. This discussion focused on the new OECD guidelines designed to simplify and standardise transfer pricing, and how these affect multinational companies.

The second panel dealt with the prevention and resolution of transfer pricing disputes. Ascensión Maldonado, head of the National Office of International Taxation, and other experts such as Guillermo Osacar from Deloitte Legal and Rocío Bermúdez from Repsol, shared their experiences and strategies to address and resolve tax disputes. The importance of dispute resolution mechanisms and international cooperation to avoid double taxation was highlighted.

The event concluded with a panel discussion on transfer pricing developments and technology, moderated by Ignacio Olabarrieta, State Tax Inspector, and Ignacio Box and Carlos Serrano, both partners at Deloitte Legal. They discussed how technology is transforming the way companies manage their transfer pricing policies, with a focus on digital tools and data analytics to improve accuracy and efficiency in compliance.

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Tributación Empresarial
2 July 2024
Present and future of transfer pricing

The Deloitte Legal Chair of Business Taxation at Comillas ICADE organised a conference dedicated to this subject, which is crucial for business management and international taxation

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