Lecturers at Comillas to analyse the relationship between philosophy and cinema at the UCV
During the congress at the Universidad Católica de Valencia, four papers were presented by doctoral students from the university connecting cinema and philosophy
15 November 2023
Angelo Valastro and Ricardo Pinilla, lecturers in Philosophy at Comillas CIHS, took part in the 5th Congress on Philosophy and Film at the Universidad Católica de Valencia, dedicated to the philosophical analysis of relationality in film and in the work of Leo McCarey, Vittorio de Sica and Aki Kaurismäki on the centenary of Martin Buber's Ich Und Du (I and Thou). There, both lecturers gave a talk entitled "Shadows of the self. The episode 'Teresa' by Vittorio de Sica", a reflection on the resistance of the self to objectify itself, even when this objectification is self-inflicted, exploring a possible unappealable personal anteriority in our incardination in the world and society.
Both Valastro and Pinilla had the opportunity to talk with doctors from the Universidad de Navarra, the Universidad San Pablo CEU, the Universidad Villanueva, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome), the University of Cordoba, Rey Juan Carlos University and prominent researchers from the Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir, host of the Congress.
It was precisely the scientific committee of this Congress that selected four communications from doctoral students at Comillas. Specifically, the works of Francisco José Arrocha, author of "Nédoncelle, Buber y el Séptimo Arte: Un análisis de relacionalidad y transformación del Yo al Nosotros en Green Book y Un amigo extraordinario" ; Juan Calvín, author of "Blade Runner: existencia artificial"; Román Trenado, author of "Ex Machina: una interpretación desde la relacionalidad"; and Sergio Pérez, with a talk on "El Séptimo Arte en algunos miembros de la Escuela de Madrid y Martin Buber: Personalismo y autenticidad ante la amenaza de la despersonalización ".
"The Department of Philosophy and Humanities is grateful to doctoral student F. J. Arrocha for his liaison and promotion of this broad participation of Comillas in this event, which lays a good foundation for future collaborations," said both lecturers.
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