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Promote social participation, advocacy and the advancement of the rights of the elderly

The Plataforma de Mayores y Pensionistas (PMP) and Comillas Pontifical University sign a collaboration agreement

Firma formal acuerdo Marco de Colaboración PMP-Comillas (22-04-2024) copia.jpeg

22 April 2024

The Plataforma de Mayores y Pensionistas (PMP) and Comillas Pontifical University have signed a framework collaboration agreement. Its main objective is the development of academic, scientific, cultural and social relations between both entities, aimed at promoting social participation, the defence and advancement of rights and improving the quality of life of the elderly.

This agreement is part of the Abanca-Afundación/ICADE Chair of Longevity, Economy and Society at Comillas, created to promote multidisciplinary research, rigorous debate, dissemination and knowledge transfer on the challenges and opportunities arising from longevity and the ageing of the population and its consequences.

The signing of the agreement was attended by the Vice-Rector for Research and Teaching Staff at Comillas, Mariano Ventosa; the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Abel Veiga, and the Director of the Abanca-Afundación/ICADE Chair, Salomé Adroher, on behalf of Comillas, and the President of the PMP, Lázaro González and the Secretary General of the platform, Miguel Ángel Cabra de Luna, on behalf of the organisation.

Specifically, among the objectives of the agreement is the collaboration between the PMP and Comillas in research projects related to equal opportunities, disability, universal accessibility and the improvement of the lives of the elderly; as well as the organisation and promotion of events and informative actions to raise awareness of the responsibility of all citizens in the inclusion and participation of the elderly in society in matters such as pensions, health and social-health coordination, long-term care, active and healthy ageing, legal protection and unwanted loneliness, among others.

During the event, Adroher presented the President of the PMP with a copy of the Tratado de Derecho de Mayores, recently published by Aranzadi and in which 41 lecturers, many of them from the Faculty of Law (Comillas ICADE) but also from six other universities, specialists in very different areas of law, participated: philosophy of law, public and private international law, constitutional and comparative law, civil, criminal, procedural, labour and social security, commercial, administrative and tax law. It is one of the first fruits of the work of the chair and a symbol of the unequivocal commitment of Comillas to address the welfare of the elderly from a rights-based perspective.

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Firma formal acuerdo Marco de Colaboración PMP-Comillas (22-04-2024) copia.jpeg
Longevidad Abanca
22 April 2024
Promote social participation, advocacy and the advancement of the rights of the elderly

The Plataforma de Mayores y Pensionistas (PMP) and Comillas Pontifical University sign a collaboration agreement

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