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St John of the Cross, a reader of Meister Eckhart

Prof. Silvia Bara Bancel, PhD, publishes this article in the journal 'Scripta Theologica' available to subscribers

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St John of the Cross (Royal Academy of History)

12 February 2024

Silvia Bara Bancel, PhD, Professor of the Faculty of Theology, has published her article entitled "San Juan de la Cruz, lector del Maestro Eckhart" (55, n. 3, 2023) in the journal 'Scripta Theologica'.

Professor Silvia Bara Bancel, of the Department of Dogmatic and Fundamental Theology, is a PhD in Theology and an expert, among other disciplines, in Meister Eckhart and Rhenish mysticism.

The following is a summary of the article:

In Tauler's Opera omnia, translated into Latin by Surio in 1548, there were numerous explicit references to Meister Eckhart, as well as twenty-five texts by him. He was indicated as the author of three sermons and some of his Sayings and legends were given. John of the Cross therefore had access to these writings, which inspired and influenced him, as Orcibal noted in 1966. This contribution reviews Eckhart's sermons in the Latin version of Surio-Tauler, according to their order of appearance, and points to new evidence of Eckhartian influence on John of the Cross.

Keywords: Eckhart, John of the Cross, Disasement.

The article is available to subscribers by clicking here.

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