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Saint Titus Brandsma and the priest martyrs of Dachau

Fernando Millán, Professor and Director of the U. Institute of Spirituality, publishes this work with Editorial Encuentro

Book cover for 'San Tito Brandsma y los Sacerdotes Mártires de Dachau' featuring a photograph of Tito Brandsma on a backdrop of a disheveled room with a large window.

The book can be purchased on the website of Editorial Encuentro

25 October 2024

Professor of the Faculty of Theology, Fernando Millán, OCarm., has published a book entitled San Tito Brandsma y los sacerdotes mártires de Dachau (Saint Titus Brandsma and the Priest Martyrs of Dachau), published by Editorial Encuentro (2024, ISBN: 978-84-1339-211-0).

The following is a summary of Professor Millán's new work:

In Dachau, near Munich, Hitler built the first of many concentration camps where he interned his political opponents, but also Jews, gypsies, homosexuals and other groups of "inferior men". Some 206,206 prisoners passed through the camp, over 40,000 of whom lost their lives.

2,652 Catholic priests and religious suffered captivity in Dachau. Of these, some 1,800 were killed or died from the hardships, including 1,106 Poles. The Dutch Carmelite Titus Brandsma has already been canonised and 57 others beatified.

With the guidance of the figure of Saint Titus, his brother in religion, Fernando Millán Romeral masterfully traces the admirable picture of that shrine of martyrdom in the 20th century.

The book can be purchased from the publisher's website.

Professor Fernando Millán Romeral holds a PhD in Theology, from the Department of Dogmatic and Fundamental Theology, and an expert in sacramental theology, with special attention to Reconciliation, and in Carmelite Spirituality. He is currently Director of the University Institute of Spirituality at Comillas Pontifical University.

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