Lord, teach us to pray
Javier Cía, SJ gave this conference at the Spirituality Week of the Centro Superior de Estudios Teológicos "San Pablo" (Diocese of Málaga)
Prof. Javier Cía, SJ during his lecture
18 October 2024
Last Tuesday, 15 October, Javier Cía, SJ, Professor of the Faculty of Theology, was the speaker in charge of offering his reflection in the framework of the series of conferences entitled "Prayer, encounter with the living God", organised by the Centro Superior de Estudios Teológicos "San Pablo" within the 1st Week of Spirituality of the Centre itself, which took place from 14 to 17 October. The coordinator of the Week is D. José Emilio Cabra Meléndez, priest of the diocese of Málaga, Doctor in Theology from the Pontifical University Comillas and professor at CESET.
Professor Cía's talk was entitled "Lord, teach us to pray", in which he offered keys to Christian prayer. The Professor tried to renew and grow in the knowledge of Christian prayer in order to encourage Christians to pray or to continue praying, as a great opportunity that God gives us to meet with Him.
The talk was given in the context of the year of prayer called by the Pope in preparation for the Jubilee of 2025. Francis wrote that he is "happy to think that the year 2024, which precedes the Jubilee event, can be dedicated to a great 'symphony of prayer'; above all, to recover the desire to be in the presence of the Lord, to listen to him and to adore him".
Francis also wrote that it is "a year to experience a 'school of prayer', without taking anything for granted or for granted, especially with regard to our way of praying, but making our own every day the words of the disciples when they asked Jesus: 'Lord, teach us to pray' (Luke 11, 1)".
The talk had several parts: The importance of practising prayer for a Christian; prayer in the framework of the Catechism; prayer as an encounter with the Lord (the great opportunity that the Lord offers us); "There is no other way of Christian prayer than Christ" (CCC, 2664); Sources of prayer; Mary, Teacher of prayer; Final considerations. The battle of prayer.
Professor Javier Cía Blasco is PhD in Theology, Department of Moral Theology and Praxis of Christian Life and expert in Spiritual Theology, Theology of Prayer and Ignatian Spirituality.
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