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Synodality, People of God and evangelisation

Professor Santiago García Mourelo, PhD, gave the formative conference for the priests of the IV and V Vicariates of Madrid on the People of God and the Synodal Church and participated in the presentation of the book "Has the New Evangelisation failed?"


Santiago G. Mourelo on the left during the presentation of the book (Photo by the Archdiocese of Madrid).

22 April 2024

The Professor of the Faculty of Theology, Santiago García Mourelo, PhD, participated as a speaker at the training meetings for priests organised by the Archdiocese of Madrid. On this occasion, our Professor was a speaker at the meetings organised in Vicariate IV (18 April) and Vicariate V (11 April).

Professor García Mourelo's talk dealt with the category of the People of God according to Lumen Gentium, in chapter II, and the implications that this category has for synodality and the understanding of the synodal Church.

Both meetings, part of the Archdiocesan formation programme "Encounters for the Mission" for priests, were presided over by the Episcopal Vicar Óscar García Aguado.

In addition, on 16 April, Professor Santiago G. Mourelo took part in the presentation of the book ¿Ha fracasado la Nueva Evangelización? El desafío misionero de la acogida a cercanos, alejados y lejanos de la fe cristiana, by the Episcopal Delegate for Catechesis of the Archdiocese of Madrid, Manuel María Bru. In this presentation, our Professor emphasised the centrality of the Word of God in the life of the Christian, where evangelisation is a constant path of encounter renewed by Christ. The event was attended by Cardinal José Cobo, Archbishop of Madrid.

Professor Santiago García Mourelo is PhD in Theology, from the Department of Dogmatic and Fundamental Theology, expert, among other disciplines, in religious fact, mystagogy and youth ministry. He is currently the coordinator of Theological Extension and Christian Social Thought at Comillas Pontifical University.

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