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Boundless talent

The students of the DEMOS programme showed their artistic, creative and interpretative skills in the exhibition that the programme holds each year

Demostración DEMOS (18-04-2024).jpeg

24 April 2024

Once again this year, the students of the DEMOS programme of the Chair in Family and Disability: Repsol-Down Madrid Foundation have brought out their artistic talents on stage. In a showcase of works, organised by Comillas Arte and accompanied by students who are volunteers from the other degrees at Comillas who participate as volunteers in this activity, as part of the Comillas Solidaria volunteer programme, with the aim of generating links and favouring the integration of the students in the programme, the students made the public enjoy some exceptional performances.

The Cantoblanco theatre group kicked things off with a performance of diverse talents, which left the audience spellbound. For their part, Alberto Aguilera's theatre team gave three stellar performances: El misterio del Castillo, Lo normal and Estrellados. Undoubtedly, performances worthy of a Goya or Oscar.

The painting group showcased their artistic skills in a puppet-in-action performance. Next, the percussion workshop performed, to the rhythm of hand-clapping and accompanied by the voice of two students, the song "Ritmo de las panaderas", a song that was used during the working days in the rural areas of Castile. The combo brought to the stage two well-known songs "Tacones Rojos " by Sebastian Yatra and "Blanco y Negro" by Malú. To conclude the show, the Dance workshop met in the West patio to carry out some research dance exercises.

Once again this year, the DEMOS workshop showcase has not only revealed the artistic potential of our students, but has also brought our students closer together. Because, as some of them describe, these performances have made them appreciate "above all the group we have made as a percussion class and the friendships we have created" or have allowed them to "get to know another reality that we are not used to seeing". But the great unknown left by this exhibition is, will Javier Bardem, Blanca Suarez or Javier Rey be the next Javier Bardem, Blanca Suarez or Javier Rey?

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Comillas Arte
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