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Titus Brandsma and the role of the Church in the press and media

The Professor and Director of the U. Institute of Spirituality, Fernando Millán, gave two lectures at the International Formation Commission of the Carmelite Order, held in Nijmegen (The Netherlands)

A man stands in an office setting beside a memorial plaque of Titus Brandsma on a brick wall.

Professor Millán during his speech

23 October 2024

On 8 and 9 October, Professor Fernando Millán Romeral gave two lectures at the Ongoing Formation course organised by the International Formation Commission of the Carmelite Order which took place in Nijmegen (The Netherlands).

The course dealt with the figure and witness of St. Titus Brandsma, a Dutch Carmelite who was professor at the Catholic University of Nijmegen and Rector of the same in 1932. Brandsma (who had already shown in his philosophy classes the incompatibility of Nazism with the Catholic faith) was a professional journalist and opposed the publication of National Socialist propaganda in the Catholic press after the invasion of the Netherlands in May 1940. This led to his arrest in January 1942 and, after several camps and prisons, his death in Dachau on 26 July 1942. He was canonised by Pope Francis on 15 May 2022.

Professor Millán's lectures dealt with Brandsma's conception of the role of the Church in the world of the press and media and with the last months of the Dutch Carmelite's life, a period in which he wrote some of his most valuable pages.

Professor Fernando Millán Romeral holds a PhD in Theology from the Department of Dogmatic and Fundamental Theology and is an expert in sacramental theology, with special attention to reconciliation, and in Carmelite spirituality. He is currently Director of the University Institute of Spirituality at Comillas.

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