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Transforming education with ethics and quality: "Escuelas que cuidan" programme

Comillas Pontifical University promotes inclusive and sustainable education, exploring wellbeing and emotional health in the educational sphere

A presentation being given in a well-lit classroom with attentive participants.

12 July 2024

Comillas Pontifical University, through the Faculty of Law (Comillas ICADE) and together with the SM Foundation, has launched the "Escuelas que cuidan" programme. This innovative programme, aimed at headmasters, teachers, guidance counsellors and students in their final years in education and psychology, aimed to deepen an educational paradigm based on the ethics of care. The initiative seeks to promote inclusive, equitable and quality education, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The course, structured in five modules, addressed key topics such as the culture of care, building safe bonds and the prevention of violence in the school environment. The speakers shared their knowledge and experiences in theoretical and practical sessions. On the other hand, participants had the opportunity to design educational projects that integrate these approaches and contribute to transforming their respective institutions.

The first module focused on the essential components that affect educational well-being and the health of the school environment, both physical and virtual. The second focused on self-care for educational staff, providing practical tools that teachers can apply to their own well-being and, in turn, improve the overall educational environment. The third day focused on the importance of secure links between teachers, students and their families.

The fourth module reviewed the regulatory framework of LOPIVI and the roles of the school welfare coordinator, focusing on preventing and addressing violence against children and adolescents. Finally, the final day explored strategies for implementing child protection standards and practical projects to promote good treatment in the school environment will be presented.

Bringing together the different themes of each of the modules, this course has sought to create a school culture based on care and good treatment, thus contributing to sustainable development and the construction of a fairer and more caring society.

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A presentation being given in a well-lit classroom with attentive participants.
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Transforming education with ethics and quality: "Escuelas que cuidan" programme

Comillas Pontifical University promotes inclusive and sustainable education, exploring wellbeing and emotional health in the educational sphere

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