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Ukraine changes the date of Christmas celebrations

Prof. PhD Carmen Márquez explains the change from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar that has been approved in Ukraine, implying the celebration of Christmas on 25 December.


Professor PhD Carmen Márquez

7 January 2024

Carmen Márquez Beunza, PhD, Professor of the Faculty of Theology and Head of Studies of the University Theology Programme for Postgraduates (TUP), has been interviewed by the Spanish newspaper HuffPost about the change of date of the Christmas holiday, approved last year by the Ukrainian Parliament. Ukraine, following the Russian Orthodox tradition according to the Julian calendar, used to celebrate Christmas on 7 January. Now, following the change, Ukraine has for the first time celebrated Christmas on 25 December, according to the Gregorian calendar. Professor Márquez, PhD delves into the causes and implications of this change.

Professor Carmen Márquez holds a PhD in Theology, is a member of the Department of Dogmatic and Fundamental Theology, Head of Studies at TUP, consultant to the Episcopal Subcommission for Interconfessional Relations and Interreligious Dialogue and a recognised expert in ecumenism.

The full article can be read by clicking here.

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