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Verification of Documents that are Electronically Signed by the General Registry

The documents that are electronically signed by the General Registry of the Universidad Pontificia Comillas include a secure verification code (CSV as per the Spanish) that allows them to be downloaded online.

The secure verification code allows the student to present a printed copy of the electronic document to another institution or body, which will be able to check the authenticity of the document presented and that it has not been altered.

What is the secure verification code (CSV)?

What is the secure verification code (CSV)?

The secure verification code of documents is made up of a series of digits that uniquely identifies any of the electronic documents issued by the Universidad Pontificia Comillas.

The CSV code can be found printed on each and every page of the document and it allows it to be matched to the original electronic document, thus converting it into an authentic copy.

The CSV code is important because any paper copy of the University's original electronic ones will be considered as an authentic copy if said code is included.

How does it work?

Anyone who needs to verify the validity of an electronic or paper document that was signed electronically by the Universidad Pontificia Comillas with a CSV, can do so by accessing this service (https://www.comillas.edu/VerificarDocumento). The application requires the digits that make up the CSV on the document, and it will return the equivalent electronic document with the electronic signatures included. The user can, in turn, make a comparison of the document.

Signature of documents

Who signs the documents on behalf of the General Registry?

The Registrar of the Universidad Pontificia Comillas attests, with their signature, the information on students' academic records by means of the issuing of the corresponding academic certificates.

The Head of the Degree Certificates and Transcripts Service records the information regarding the enrolment of students at the University.

In both cases, by means of the issuing of electronically signed documents, they can also respond to requests by, or questions regarding students at the University at the General Registry.

Validation of electronically signed documents

If the validity of an original document that was electronically signed by the General Registry of the Universidad Pontificia Comillas needs to be verified, this can be done so via the Spanish Government's platform VALIDE (https://valide.redsara.es/valide/inicio.html), with the maximum guarantees of integrity and authenticity.