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X Call for ACM Research Project Grants

The goal is to promote research and expand knowledge


18 April 2024

The Aristos Campus Mundus (ACM) project is firmly committed to promoting networked research and ensuring a level of excellence that enhances the expansion of knowledge, training capacity and internationalisation, with the aim of responding to current social and economic challenges.

For this reason, ACM has opened a new call for applications for the Aristos Campus Mundus Research Project Grants Programme, the tenth, the aim of which is to continue funding the best projects carried out by research groups from the four universities that make up the ACM Campus of International Excellence: Deusto, Comillas, Ramon Llull and Loyola.

The total budget for this call is €120,000 and the maximum eligible budget per project is €15,000.

The research projects for which grants are requested must fall within one of the six ACM Focus Areas (FA): Social Innovation and Social Change; Management and Social Responsibility; Education: Innovation, Skills and Values; Health and Biosciences; Energy and Sustainability; and Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence.

The grants of this edition are only aimed at research groups from ACM's Spanish universities that present projects in collaboration between them, with at least two research groups from two Spanish universities.

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X Call for ACM Research Project Grants

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