The VII Bankinter Award for Business Ethics Call for Submissions is Now Open
The Iberdrola Chair of Economic and Business Ethics at Pontifical Comillas University announces the call for submissions for the scientific research award in Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Sustainability, sponsored by Bankinter Consumer Finance.
7 February 2024
The award aims to recognize research papers (published and unpublished) completed during the previous year that examine the implementation of ethical principles in structures dealing with the core business of private companies (individual companies, business associations, sectors, etc.). The work should make a significant contribution to the question of how to implement specific ethical visions in the regular operations of companies and organizations (principles and designs of these ethical visions, practical implementation methods, and/or results obtained); or address some aspect of management connected to ethics.
The prize is open to works developed or published during the year 2023. The jury of the prize will be composed of academics and business management professionals. The prizes awarded are up to 4000 euros for the winners.
Entries and the competition rules form should be sent to
Please find attached the competition rules for further information:
Bases 2023-2024 Bankinter Consumer Finance Spanish Prize
Bases 2023-2024 Bankinter Consumer Finance Award English
Bases 2023-2024 Premio Bankinter Consumer Finance Português
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