Empowering and educating young people for the internet by playing.
Fecha de inicio: 01-10-2020
Fecha de fin: 30-09-2023
The RAYUELA project is a 3-years project beginning in October 2020 with a budget of 5M EUR. The consortium involves 17 partners from 9 countries and is co-ordinated by Universidad Pontificia Comillas. The project brings together experts from different areas of knowledge from all over Europe to develop an interactive story-like game that, on the one side, will allow minors to learn good practices on the use of the Internet and associated technology by playing, and, on the other side, will allow modelling, in a friendly and non-invasive manner, online habits and potential risk profiles related to cybersecurity and cybercriminality, providing Law Enforcement Agencies with scientifically sound foundations to define appropriate policies.
823.704,04 EUR
Equipo Investigador
- Gregorio Ignacio López López (IP)
- Nereida Bueno Guerra
- Mario Castro Ponce
- Álvaro Jesús López López
- Javier Matanza Domingo
- Sara Lumbreras Sancho
- Yolanda González Arechavala
- Carlos Rodríguez-Morcillo García
- Rafael Palacios Hielscher
- David Contreras Bárcena
- Francisco Javier Herraiz Martínez
- Jaime Pérez Sánchez
- María Reneses Botija
- María Riberas Gutiérrez
- Luis Francisco Sánchez Merchante
- Sandra Sánchez González
- Aarón Gómez Dorado
- Gabriel Valverde Castilla