Convocatorias abiertas del 20/01/25 al 28/09/25

DBA in Management and Technology

The DBA in Management and Technology is an executive doctorate program for senior professionals with intellectual curiosity who want to make a difference, taught by Comillas ICADE and Comillas ICAI.

Una mujer rubia madura trabaja en su laptop en un espacio público con logos de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas en el fondo.

Why the DBA in Management and Technology?

The DBA in Management and Technology is an executive doctoral program for professionals with extensive experience. The program is designed for those who want to make a difference in their organizations and broader communities by harnessing the potential of disruptive technologies.

Our aim is to develop a new kind of “scholarly practitioner” who can apply cutting-edge research to current managerial problems that require a high level of understanding of new technologies and their potential.

In addition, this executive doctoral degree will provide high calibre professionals with outstanding networking opportunities and a chance to take part in a community of learning and innovation that contributes to the development of industrial best practices, to shaping welfare-enhancing public policy and to channeling technological disruption into a force for good in society.

The program is taught in collaboration between Comillas ICADE (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and Faculty of Law) and Comillas ICAI (School of Engineering). This strategic alliance, together with the humanistic tradition of the Comillas Pontifical University, is key to comprehensively addressing challenges and new business opportunities offered by technology.

The DBA is a 3-year long executive doctoral program that combines advanced coursework, offered in an executive-friendly format during the first half of the program, together with research and innovation during the second half. Graduates from this program will earn, after successfully defending their dissertation, the Comillas Pontifical University degree of Doctor of Business Administration (DBA).

  • Facultad
  • Idiomas
  • Certificación
  • Modalidad
  • Duración
    3 años (30 ECTS)
  • Plazas

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The DBA in Management and Technology

Find out more about the DBA

Colaboración con European Doctoral Programmes Association in Management & Business Administration.

  • Logotipo de 'edamba' con texto en azul y un gráfico en amarillo y azul.

What makes us different?



C-Suite Position

Most of the students in the first cohort are C-Level executives in their organizations, and 55% are CEOs or Partners in their firms



Work Experience

The average working experience of candidates is over 25 years



Our students come from diverse backgrounds

Financial 32% Energy 19%
Consulting 13% NGOs 10%
Food & Beverage 7% Industrial 6%
Telecommunication 3% Others 10%

Plan de estudios

Academic Planning

The DBA is structured in two phases:

During the first one and a half years, participants take part in advanced training courses and define their research questions. At the end of this phase, and after a successful evaluation of a research proposal, participants obtain the Advanced Program in Management and Technology degree.

During the second year, and specially the third, participants conduct their research and write the DBA thesis that they must defend at the end of the third year.

Throghout the entire program, and as a lifelong learning proposal for alumni, the University will offer specialized training pills about issues relevant to management and technology

Advanced training courses will be held in two different formats: residency periods (from Thursday to Saturday comprising 5 sessions), where in-person attendance is mandatory, and 2-session weekend courses (Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings) that will be streamed live and can be attended either in-person or online.

Year 1

  • 3 residencies: September, February and June
  • 7 weekends for advanced courses
  • 3 weekends for topics courses

Year 2

Research proposal presentation Advanced program in Management and Technology

  • 2 residencies: September and June
  • 3 weekends for advanced courses
  • 3 weekends for topics courses

Year 3

DBA Thesis defense

  • 1 residency: September
  • 3 weekends for topics courses


Introduction to the academic literature review and the different methods that could be used in the research process. Identification of a topic and development of the research question.

Data analysis tools and interpretation of results oriented to the decision making process. Familiarity with the fields of application of the different techniques of Machine Learning.

Understand the role of innovation and change within an organization and how it creates value. Identify innovation opportunities. Develop tools to promote and manage innovation. Understand the connection between people, processes and technology.

Understanding the opportunities, both to transform existing industries and to create new business models, offered by new technologies such as Blockchain, Cloud computing, AI, IoT, etc.

The anthropological, philosophical and ethical issues that affect innovation, scientific and economic development.

New framework for making legal decisions in a business environment that is being substantially modified by the digital transformation revolution.

DISRUPTIVE BUSINESS MODELS (International residency, 4 days)
Innovative business models brought about by technology. Taught in collaboration with MIT Sloan and UC Berkeley.

TOPIC COURSES (2 sessions each)
Additionally, three tailor-made courses on current issues of interest to our candidates will be offered in weekend format every year. Candidates must attend at least six of these over the course of the program. These courses are always open to DBA Alumni.

Differences between the CETIS Doctoral Program (PhD) and the DBA Program

DBA versus PhD

Both, the PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) and the DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) are doctoral degrees. The key differences between them are:

  • Target student: young graduates (PhD) vs. senior professionals (DBA)
  • Motivation: career in academia (PhD) vs. personal and professional challenge and recognition (DBA)
  • Research focus: gaps in the academic literature (PhD) vs. a practical problem from the business world that is considered relevant by both business managers and scholars (DBA)
  • Regulation: official degree regulated by the Ministry of Education (PhD) vs. dependent on the prestige of ICADE-ICAI
  • Dedication and program length: full-time studies 4-5 years (PhD) vs. part-time studies 3 years (DBA)
Carlos Bellon
Carlos Bellón Núñez-Mera
Ph.D. in Finance, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania DBA Co-Director

The alliance between ICADE and ICAI in this program provides students with a unique perspective that combines the best of both worlds: business management and technological innovation.

logo edbac

International Collaboration

Technology knows no boundaries and neither does our program. Comillas is proud to be an Associate Academic Member of the Executive DBA Council (EDBAC). The Council was founded in 2011 with a mission to foster excellence and innovation in executive doctoral degree programs worldwide. Our international dimension is further enhanced by our collaboration with MIT Sloan School of Management and UC Berkeley.

Cristina Domínguez Soto
Cristina Domínguez Soto
Ph.D. in Business and Economics, Universidad Pontificia Comillas

"The DBA is more than a stimulating managerial course—it's a platform for experienced professionals to create high-impact knowledge, effectively address their specific industry challenges, and relish the growth of their professional network."

Collaboration with MIT Sloan

MIT Sloan School of Management and Universidad Pontificia Comillas have signed a Memorandum of Agreement to collaborate in the area of graduate education. Our DBA in Management and Technology students will take a course at MIT Sloan on the topic of Disruptive Business Models. We are convinced that this type of activity will herald the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship between our institutions.

DBA TV Channel

Discover more about the TV channel

All you need to know

Comillas ICADE

Calle Alberto Aguilera, 23
28015 Madrid

Its origins date back to 1956 when business management courses began to be taught in the Jesuit residence in Zorrilla Street. Today, it has been a reference for more than half a century in the areas of Law and Business Administration and Management, playing a pioneering role in the implementation of double degree programs in our country.

Frequent questions

  • Because Comillas studies are in high demand and places are limited, the best candidates must be selected through admission tests.

  • Each class has its tutor, whose function is to integrate the student into the group and pay attention to their proper academic performance. In addition, at Comillas the teaching system is distinguished, among other characteristics, by personalized attention and the fluid and permanent relationship between teachers and students.

  • The Comillas teaching system is especially oriented towards the relationship with the reality of companies, institutions and organizations and professional practice. The Internship and Employment Office is in charge of providing students with internships related to their studies to enrich their training. In the 2017-18 academic year, 6,296 student internships were managed in companies.

    In addition to these internships managed by the Office of Internships and Employment, all degrees have a significant load of compulsory external internships within their study plans.

  • The Internships and Employment Office informs, guides and collaborates in the insertion into the labor market of recent graduates or in the projection of the professional career of Comillas graduates, for this it has an online tool that directly relates to candidates with 5,078 companies with which Comillas has a relationship. During the 2017-18 academic year, 1,838 job offers were processed. Of the total number of graduates of the 2018 promotion, 93.22% are employed, either working or furthering their studies, in the six months following the completion of their studies.

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C/ Alberto Aguilera, 23 - 28015 Madrid
Tel.: (+34) 91 542 28 00
Fax: (+34) 91 559 65 69

Carlos Bellón - DBA Co-Director

Cristina Domínguez Soto - DBA Co-Director

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